International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures
ICTMS 2019
22-26 July 2019 | Cairns, Australia

ICTMS Workshops



Workshops will run for 90 minutes each, with two parallel streams:

  1. Volume visualisation & analysis
  2. Tomographic reconstruction.

Workshop descriptions are included below. Registration is required since places are limited. Please visit our ICTMS2019 industry workshop registration page for more details.

Volume visualisation & analysis

Advanced image acquisition and automated analysis; combining HeliScan MicroCT and Amira-Avizo Software

This workshop course will be focusing on the capabilities of the HeliScan micro CT combined with the advanced 3D visualization and analysis features of Amira-Avizo Software for exploring and understanding micro CT data.

Participants will be offered a complete overview starting from sample mounting, acquisition strategy including trajectories and filtering, reconstruction methods to data visualization, image processing and segmentation, measurements and statistics, and other advanced set of functionalities.

Building on a HeliScan dataset participants will be offered the chance to try some of the latest features of Amira-Avizo Software.

Amira and Avizo Software are well-known digital labs for visualizing, inspecting, measuring and analyzing scientific and industrial data.

All the powerful features provided by Amira-Avizo Software can be customized and automated to perfectly fit with your research needs and to increase your productivity. The hands-on session will be focused on automation of analysis workflows in Amira-Avizo Software.

Please visit the HeliScan MicroCT webpage for more details.

Please visit the Amira-Avizo Software webpage for more details.

Drishti, Drishti Prayog and Drishti VR

Drishti is a free volumetric data exploration and presentation tool developed at National Computational Infrastructure, Australia. Drishti Prayog is a free user-friendly presentation tool designed for users to visualise and explore the 3D datasets on a touch screen. Drishti VR is a free volume visualisation tool for virtual reality environments.

The workshop will give an overview of all these three softwares.

Please visit the Drishti webpage for more details.

VGSTUDIO MAX: Simulating the mechanical properties of complex foam or granular microstructures using CT data

Whether foam structures in materials science or granular materials in soil science – estimating the mechanical properties of complex arbitrary microstructures is of high interest to numerous research fields. Frequently used structures are, e.g., metallic foams in lightweight sandwich structures. To predict the mechanical properties of the entire composite, precise models of the constituents are needed. A common approach to solve this problem is to use microstructural data such as relative density, pore size and average beam thickness for analytical models like those introduced by Gibson and Ashby [1]. These approaches allow to estimate mechanical properties of a given structure on a mean field. But realistic structures are usually not perfectly regular and can thus lead to significant deviations between model and reality. For this reason, numerical simulation is needed.

The software VGSTUDIO MAX from Volume Graphics provides analysis tools for both approaches. It enables either to derive statistical information about the microstructure or to determine the mechanical properties directly from volumetric images of the structure by applying mechanical models. The latter approach allows also to take irregularities like variations of the local material thickness and anisotropic behavior resulting from a geometrically oriented microstructure into account.

During the Workshop, the surface of a foam structure is determined using the locally adaptive subvoxel-accurate surface determination. Subsequently, microstructural statistics are derived by the Foam/Powder Analysis Module. The relative density is calculated as well as the cell diameter, beam thickness and principal orientation of the cells. This data is used for evaluating the analytical model by Gibson and Ashby.

Modeling of the full structure is carried out using the Structural Mechanics Simulation Module of VGSTUDIO MAX. It uses an immersed boundary method implementation for the microscale simulation of stress distributions directly on CT scans without the need of meshing. In order to utilize 3rd party simulation software, also the Volume Meshing Module can be applied to export the meshed microstructure to a large variety of FEA tools. This enables to create volume meshes of real structures with high precision at an incredible speed for your standard FEA-software.

[1] Gibson, L., & Ashby, M. (1997). Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties (Cambridge Solid State Science Series). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139878326

Please visit the Volume Graphics webpage for more details.

Tomographic reconstruction


The ASTRA Toolbox is an open-source MATLAB and Python toolbox of high-performance GPU primitives for 2D and 3D tomography, aimed at researchers and algorithm developers. ASTRA enables rapid development of scalable, GPU-optimized reconstruction algorithms. At this workshop at ICTMS, we will introduce ASTRA and walk you through basic and advanced usage.

The ICTMS ASTRA workshop consists of two parts which can be attended either separately or together. In the first part, we will mainly consider 2D parallel-beam tomography, with applications in synchrotron tomography and electron tomography. In the second part, we will mainly consider 3D cone-beam tomography, with applications in laboratory micro-CT and medical CBCT.

In both sessions there will be ample opportunity to ask questions. If you bring a laptop with ASTRA already installed (GPU not necessary), there will also be the opportunity to do a few hands-on exercises to get started with using ASTRA at the end of each session.

Please visit the ASTRA webpage for more details.

TomoPy Short Course

In a 90 minute interactive session, we will learn to reconstruct three-dimensional images from two-dimensional projections using TomoPy, the open-source Python package for tomographic data processing and image reconstruction. The course assumes some knowledge of x-ray computed tomography, but only minimal knowledge of computer programming. Topics covered include common steps to reconstruct x-ray computed tomography data and how to choose a reconstruction algorithm.

Please bring a 64-bit computer running Windows 10, macOS, or Linux.

Workshop requires internet access for participants to download the demo and course materials.

Please visit the TomoPy webpage for more details.